
Like so many young people growing up in the '60's, my life changed the evening of Sunday, February 9, 1964 when The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. I realized then that there was music inside me and it was ok to let it out! Initially, I wanted to play Drums but my folks talked me into learning the guitar instead.....(I now realize how smart my parents were!) They both loved the music of the great "Big Bands" of the '40's and '50's such as Glenn Miller, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Count Basie and there was always music in the house. In her younger days, my Mom had performed with the Carter Sisters and she still had her old guitar in the attic. Well, they "suggested" that we should get that guitar cleaned up and ready to play AND, if I proved that I would stick to it, they would buy me a new one as I progressed.....Well, here we are over 50 years later and I still have a guitar in my hands....not the same one mind you.... but several newer models! I can honestly say that nothing in life has brought me more pleasure than playing music so I encourage anyone, regardless of age, who has the desire to play and sing do so ASAP....YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! You don't have to do it for hire....Just do it for yourself. While I have played and toured with a number of bands in the past, I have found it very rewarding to perform as a solo artist for the past several years. My greatest thrill, besides the sheer joy of the music itself, is to see others enjoying it as well. When I see people smiling, singing along and tapping their toes to the rhythm of the music I know that I have done my job properly. Trust's every bit as much fun for me as I hope it is for you!

Acoustic, Country, Rock - Classic, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s
Territory County
San Bernardino, Even more!
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