Tip Jar

A tip jar?  We do what we do because we are live music enthisiasts and want to share our discoveries with you.  We do not ask for compensation as we go about our adventures, we feel this would inhibit our ability to organically develop relationships with venue owners and musicians, many of which have become our friends over the years.

But just like musicians and venue owners, we have expenses too.  In fact, a typical weekend can be pretty expensive!  We truly support musicians and venues by tipping, eating and drinking everywhere we go.  And a lot of time is spent researching, planning, posting, taking (and managing) lots of pictures and videos - all to share our experiences for others to benefit.

If you've enjoyed and benefitted from what we've done so far, you can drop in a couple bucks into our tip jar and put a smile on our faces.  But, more than any dollar amount, this would simply inspire and motivate us!

And in case you didn't know, aside from this website we have a very active Facebook page where we continuously post upcoming live music events!

And who knows, perhaps our paths will cross one day!